Aboutfight And Kill Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are now everywhere. There are reports about them infesting houses, apartments, hotels, nursing homes, commercial establishments and even buses and trains.

Sure, as you might already know, they don’t transfer illnesses. However, the bed bug bites and the mere thought that bed bugs might crawl on you and bite you while you sleep could still affect your physical wellness. Not to mention, they could balloon your expenses.

So, being the annoying pests that they are, you got to kill bed bugs. Or more appropriately, you got to fight them off. Because if you just kill them, more of them could still come your way, re-infest your place and bring you the same can of worms.

Heating infested furniture or the entire apartment to a very high temperature—more than 100 degrees, in most cases—will kill bed bugs. If you have a hand-held steamer, blast cracks. Heat Treatment – this method kills bed bugs with heat. This could be implemented on clothes by putting them in a drier at a high temperature for 30 minutes. In a room, the use of heating devices could kill even the eggs and the nymphs of bed bugs at certain levels temperature at different durations of time.

But how do you do it? How could fight the pests that are too sneaky they could hitch a ride on you unnoticed, too small that they could already be living in your house without you knowing it and too productive that their females could lay three to four eggs a day?

Well, actually, when it comes to methods to get rid of them, there are several that you could implement. However, a method to kill bed bugs is not the only thing you need to fight the pests and their possible return. It would require more than that to keep them off your doorstep.

Let’s get to know each of those things you would need and why do you need them?

  • Bed bug information – this refers to everything you would have to know about bed bugs. Knowledge is power as other would say. And indeed, it is power when it comes to elimination of bed bugs and prevention of their comeback as the more you know about them the better you could deal with them.
  • Money – in a bed bug treatment, you would need the money either to pay for a bed bug exterminator to get yourself a bed bug spray. If you are going to hire someone to get the job done for you, of course, you wouldn’t be doing the dirty work. But in exchange, you would need to spend big. In contrast, if you choose to do the bed bug treatment yourself, you wouldn’t use much money, but you would have to give up your time and energy to complete the process.
  • Bed Bug Help – this could refer to a bed bug bill passed by the government. Take, for example, the one that Nelson Castro, the former Bronx Democratic Assemblyman, passed. His bill requires all bedding material transported or sold in the state be sanitized to avoid bed bugs. If it did not die in the Senate, it could have been a huge help to the residents in ensuring that their beds are free from the pests.If you decide to do the elimination of bed bugs yourself though, this is where that smaller amount of money that you would need will go. In a DIY bed bug treatment, this help usually refers to a bed bug spray.

1. Bed Bug Information

How much you know about bed bugs could make or break your bed bug treatment. If you want to win the fight against them, you must know everything that you can about them. And that starts with how they look.

Bed Bug Appearance

Bed bugs are small as apple seed or grain of rice. That is why they could conceal themselves even in the smallest crack or crevice. They are wingless but are very quick. They also share a number of characteristics with other common house pests. Hence, if you find one but are not sure if it is really a bed bug, it’s best to compare it first with a real bed bug image. Or better yet, have a professional look at it.

Bed Bug Signs

There are several things that could give away bed bug presence. If you know them and keep your eyes or nose open to them, you could kill bed bugs early and prevent more of them from coming. Particularly, those signs that could tell you if you have bed bugs or not are the following.

  • Discarded shells – bed bugs molt 5 times all throughout their lives. If you see their shells in their hiding places or near them, that’s a red sign that they are present.
  • Black or dark feces – the pests excrete small and dark feces. Those spots could stain the floor or the areas surrounding their hiding spots.
  • Musty sweet well – when crushed, a bed bug emits a musty sweet scent. When there is a big infestation of them, a room could also smell the same.

Bed Bug Spots

The bed bug spots are basically their hiding places. When looking for them, those are the places that you would first want to check.

Bed bugs particularly like to hide in cracks, gaps and crevices of items near their source of meal, which could be you. So basically, they are likely to hide in beds, couches, closets, under the carpets and even behind wall hangings. They could also present even in book pages.

2. Money

There is probably no way of getting rid of bed bugs without needing any amount. Even if you choose to just vacuum your whole house to keep them away, you would still need to spend an additional amount for your electricity. And even if you decide to just throw away the items it invaded, you would still need money for their replacements.

But as mentioned, if you choose to hire bed bug exterminators to clear the pests, you would need to spend big. Probably, you would need to have hundreds to thousands prepared. Just a single bed bug treatment cost around that much. And given that they could come back, you might need to spend more than.

However, if you decide to kill bed bugs yourself, you could decrease the expenses. Remember though, you must only do the bed bug treatment yourself if you could handle it. If the infestation is already massive, it’s best to leave it to the experts.

So, if you don’t want to have a huge bed bug expense, it is important that you detect bed bugs early. Else, they could overtake your house and require a pest-control professional.

Going back to personal bed bug elimination though, the money needed is usually for bed bug spray. It’s its help often required in a DIY pest-control process.

3. Bed Bug Help

As stated earlier, this help could come from the government in the form of bills. Although they may not help bed bug victims kill the vampire-like insects directly, the bills could help prevent their further spread. And generally, that would lower yours and everybody’s else chance of becoming their next meal.

In a different aspect, this bed bug help could also be in the form of a bed bug spray. That is if you decided to fight them off yourself. And that bed bug spray, it could either be the kind that would kill bed bugs, repel them or both.

However, to make sure that the bed bug spray would really be a help and that it would be worth it, you have to make a wise pick.

And probably, one of the best, if not the best, bed bug spray you could get is Bed Bug Bully.

Why Bed Bug Bully?

Several pest-control companies, hotel managers and even house owners have already proven that Bed Bug Bully is effective. Eggs, nymphs and adult bed bugs, it could eliminate them all. And that not only clears the pests’ presence but also prevents their re-infestation.

Not only that, FIFRA 25(b) has already approved it as pesticide-exempt. That means, unlike conventional bed bug solutions, it contains no harmful chemical ingredients. And so, you could rest assured that it is safe, a true help and that it is worth the money you would spend.

Watch a customer’s review of the product and see how well it works.

But if you want to prove those claims first by yourself before buying Bed Bug Bully, you surely can do that. There are samples of it that you could get and test.

To kill bed bugs is to save yourself from a lot of problems. However, before you could eliminate them, there are several preparatory steps that you first have to take so you will know how to get rid of bed bugs. With all those problems and pre-elimination work, many think it is better to prevent the pests by using bed bug spray than to let them in and just get rid of them.

If you don’t know what bed bugs are, you might think that all those steps to prevent their presence or are exaggerated. But if you have once experienced the problems they could bring, surely you would think otherwise.


But bed bugs are unlike any other pests common to houses. They may be flightless, but they are fast-paced. And though they are small, they are sneaky.

That means despite your preventive steps, bed bugs could still get into your house. But of course, that doesn’t translate that taking preventive measures is futile. In contrast, it is a great help in reducing the chance of bed bugs to infest. Nonetheless, it couldn’t completely protect you and your home from the said pests. Hence, you must always be ready to kill bed bugs whenever they get past your defenses.

Why Kill Bed Bugs?

As mentioned, bed bugs could bring in several problems. That is the general reason why you need to eliminate them.

But, particularly though, you have to kill bed bugs so you could:

  • protect yourself from their bites

By eliminating bed bugs, you are basically stopping them from feeding on you or anybody else in your house, even on your pet. It’s true, bed bugs are not known as vectors of diseases. However, their bites could leave nasty marks. Not to mention, to others, their bites could cause allergies and other skin problems.

  • have a peace of mind

Because bed bugs have become so prevalent in the past few years, many fear they’ll be their next victim. They became so anxious and paranoid of the possible bed bug presence. If you eliminate the pests though, you could have a certain sense of peace knowing that you would not be bothered or bitten them. However, you wouldn’t be able to sleep well for long if you would not kill bed bugs right and continuously do the bed bug preventive steps.

So how do eliminate bed bugs properly? It’s by eradicating even their eggs and nymphs.

Kill Bed Bugs and Their Eggs and Nymphs

Of all the house pests that you may encounter, bed bugs are probably the most annoying. Primarily, that’s because they are quick to re-start an infestation. And needless to say that will require you to repeat your bed bug treatment, which asks you to spend more money, time and energy.

To avoid that, you need to execute a proper bed bug elimination. And by proper, that means you also need to eliminate bed bug eggs and nymphs as in a matter of days, they would hatch and grow. If you don’t stop that, a re-infestation will surely occur.

Bed bugs have six life stages from eggs to adulthood. The adults and nymphs of the pests could stay out of sight for months after feeding so they are quite difficult to detect. However, the eggs are much harder to locate. Female bed bugs usually hide them in dark and deep cracks and crevices. The fact that they are very small, makes it even harder to search for them. So, if you need to implement a keen inspection when looking for adult bed bugs, you need to be more canny when looking for their eggs.

Here are some tips that could help you find Bed Bugs Eggs

  • See pictures of bed bugs‘ eggs and nymphs. This will show what exactly you should detect apart from the adults of them.
  • Prepare a flashlight and a stick. They will help you find bed bug eggs easily.
  • Know the signs of bed bugs. Where they usually stay, there they lay their eggs.

Read the Latest Bed Bug News!

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How to Kill Bed Bugs?

Now that you know why you need to kill bed bugs and why you to have to include their eggs and their nymphs in the elimination, let’s now move to the “what kills bed bugs” part.

About Fight And Kill Bed Bugs In House

There are actually several techniques of doing a bed bug treatment. However, you could generally classify them into two – chemical-based and non-chemical-based.


In the chemical-based category, there are two methods included. Though we consider the two as different means, they both rely on the use chemical pesticides. The first method is by hiring bed bug exterminators who use strong solutions to eliminate the pests. It offers an easy yet expensive and risky bed bug treatment even if the exterminator use the best chemical to kill bed bugs.

All About Bed Bugs

The second technique is by doing a bed bug treatment by yourself using a chemical solution. Though this method offers quick results and is a bit inexpensive, still this is a risky process. Like the hiring of an exterminator that uses chemical pesticides, it presents several health risks and could cause asthma, allergies, breathing difficulties and even poisoning. Another problem is that, studies about the said pests found out that bed bugs are now becoming resistant to chemical pesticides.

On the other hand, in the non-chemical-based category, there are a lot more options. And because they are more friendly to health and the environment, they are generally the better bed bug treatment choices.

What methods are included under this category?

  • Heat Treatment – this method kills bed bugs with heat. This could be implemented on clothes by putting them in a drier at a high temperature for 30 minutes. In a room, the use of heating devices could kill even the eggs and the nymphs of bed bugs at certain levels temperature at different durations of time. Ideally, to kill bed bugs in all stages, the temperature must be 115 degrees F or 46 degrees C.

About Fight And Kill Bed Bugs Bug

  • Cold Treatment – as you could easily guess, this method freezes bed bugs to kill them. And just like the heat treatment, this could also get rid even the eggs and the nymphs of the pests. As bed bugs could still survive at -14 degree C, anything lower than that could eliminate them.
  • Vacuuming – though this method could work, it takes so much effort to vacuum all possible bed bug spots. Another problem is that vacuum sometimes could not reach the deep cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide.

Can Bed Bugs Kill You

  • Use of Organic-Based Bed Bug Spray – thanks to growing going green trend, there are now bed bug products made with natural ingredients. With them, you could now get rid of the crawlies safely, easily and inexpensively. However, you should take note that this method only works if you have the best-selling bed bug spray that kills on contact and is without harsh chemical ingredients.

The Best Non-Chemical Bed Bug Treatment

Aboutfight And Kill Bed Bugs

Given the benefits it presents to your health and the health of others apart from the elimination of the pests, it is clear that the non-chemical methods are the better ways to kill bed bugs. But as you might already know, there is more than a single way to eradicate the pests. Which of them should you implement?

Considering the process of implementation, expenses, effectiveness and safety of each technique, the use of an organic-based bed bug spray is the best bed bug treatment, correct?

Aboutfight And Kill Bed Bugs

But what is the best bed bug solution to get?

Well, among others, you would want to purchase Green Bean Buddy bed bug killer. As stated in FIFRA 25 (b), it is a minimum-risk pesticide. That’s because it is made with organic-based products. More than that, pest-control companies already proved that they truly work withtheir continuous use of it. And with its new licensing agreement, you could also now enjoy its effectiveness, safety and affordability.

About Fight And Kill Bed Bugs Bite

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