Ohio Master Gardener Program Tuscarawas

Plans are underway for the 2021 Master Gardener Volunteer Class. While we hope to offer classes in person, we will be closely monitoring the situation and may have to do a hybrid model and/or online training with small group labs. Classes will begin on Tuesday, February 2 and run through Tuesday, March 30. Class times are 9 am - 4 pm each Tuesday. Applications should be completed and returned by Friday, January 8, 2021.

Click here for a 2021 Application Packet

Plans for the 2021 Master Gardener Volunteer Program are taking shape and scheduled to begin February 2021. Contact Amy Stone at stone.91@osu.edu

Participants will be learning from experts in the field and will soon joined the seasoned volunteers to be ambassadors in the county. MGVs help answer the thousands of questions that come into the Extension Office locally. They educate the public about proper gardening techiniques and identify pests that they encounter. If you have a question that you would like a Master Gardener Volunteer to answer, please call the Horticulture Hotline at 419-578-6783 on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 am - 1 pm. Questions can also be emailed to lucascountymastergardener@gmail.com

Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener. Horticulture and Crop Science Fact sheet Database Search. Horticulture, Vegetables, Fruits and Gardening - Farming the Net. Buckeye Yard & Garden Almanac and Newsletters. Ohio Floriculture Online. Farmers' Market Management Network, Inc. Integrated Pest Management. Ohio Integrated Pest Management. The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents, who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. Volunteers are not required to have gardening skills or knowledge; but a passion for learning about.

The Ohio State University Extension Master Gardener Volunteer Program provides intensive training in horticulture to interested Ohio residents, who then volunteer their time assisting with educational programs and activities for Ohio residents through their local OSU Extension county office. Volunteers are not required to have gardening skills or knowledge; but a passion for learning about gardening and sharing this knowledge with others is a must!

Working with county Extension personnel, Master Gardener Volunteers provide such educational services to their communities as: answering gardening questions from the public; conducting plant clinics; gardening activities with children, senior citizens, or disabled persons; beautifying the community; and developing community or demonstration gardens.

More information about state-level Master Gardener Volunteer programs and activities is available at http://mastergardener.osu.edu.

Ohio Master Gardener Program Tuscarawas County


Ohio Master Gardener

For more information about the Lucas County Master Gardener Volunteer Program, contact our horticulture office at 419-578-6783.